A Fictional Doctor #10
When the pandemic broke out, the majority of the population had no absolute clue what was about to unfold for the next two years and how it would put them in uncharted territory, which would further change their lives forever. This third wave is no different. You keep saying to yourself, eh, tomorrow it’ll be over. Tomorrow it’ll be over, it’ll be over, but It’s been weeks since she took over the duty. We did have some joyful moments in the beginning days, she would send me the dance reels on IG, and I learnt them and taught her on a video call. We watched movies on Netflix watch party, It used to be fun. We only hope to dance together to a trendy song when all this is over. Doctors who are the forefront warriors of this battle had put their own lives at risk with selfless determination for the sake of saving lives; they indeed are our heroes in these challenging times. While they are putting their health, families, and, most importantly, their own lives at risk, the least we can do is...