Men's Day

I mean if the basic equation of feminism is to bring the equality onto the table then why this apprehension on masculinity.

I have quite unsettling feeling on understanding the way we define the man by emphasizing on the way he respects the binary gender, why is it  defined in that way.

If your basic idea is to unshackle and liberate a woman why can't it be the other way around and implies the same. 

Why does a man is defined as a gentlemen: if only he is stoic, if only he fulfill the families responsibilities.

It's just being a asshole or a gentleman, either way it's okay, just a perceptive, until it breaks someone's freedom. 

I agree that relatively it was easy for a man to chase a possibility but If he made it to a  position its just seen as a mere possibility of oppurtunities but why can't  it be perceived as an individual success by overcoming all the hurdles rather than dismissing it entirely. 

If he is being nice to you its not that he is trying to hit you, may be he wants you to fill that conversational void he have been feeling all along. he wants to share the emotional turmoil and all he expects is to listen just listen but not a sympathy. 

May be he is just a lost soul, not ready to fill the standards and wants to keep it cool. 

image credits: <a href=''>black word art png from</a>


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