A fictional Doctor #1

Finding time for your hobbies between the work schedule is like packing that one extra shirt on your travel suitcase. I know it's a bad analogy, but everyone has “been there, done that”, so you get my point, right? I ride a bicycle to my dance class, hoping to reduce the carbon footprint or simply put, I am not ready to drain my salary on fuel. I feel like I'm riding a superbike. That’s what a child watching from a school bus crossing by makes me feel like, I take relentless joy in his envious looks. My master is strict about the timings, but I shyly had to excuse myself for showing up late every day. Every dance class has this colossal mirror, only to embarrass how to suck you at the dance. Of course, that's how you learn it. Everyone started to dance at Rhythm in the warm-up. But wait a minute, I see some chaos here. Who is this new woman, I wondered. Maybe she is a new member. How did I not notice her? Perhaps she might have joined while I was away for a week. Of course...