The Laws of gatte chutney
Wrapping your mind around your life is pretty hard but do you know what else is harder, watching a guy next to you enjoying every bite of Bonda with the gatee chutney(I can't find a fancier English name for it) while you are on a f*king diet. I'm at the tiffin centre waiting for my parcel, I am a regular customer here so the bonda shop anna gave me the gatte chutney privilege. Okay, the harder part here is I promised myself to have regular tiffin only twice a week, for the rest of the days I have to resist the urge to have it and just deliver it to my home and I have to survive on this colonized white guy’s diet: bread spread with peanut butter and oats, f**k that protein and fibre respectively. Speaking of gatee chutney, it is hard to find, and even if you do, every Bonda shop anna will treat it as an invaluable asset, so asking for extra chutney is an unwritten rule of crime 101. I still can't comprehend why people choose normal chutney over gatee chutney. Are they going...