A fictional Doctor #5
Roonie showed me around her classrooms block, the Laboratories she had to spend hours in and her lunch eating spot. Then, finally, we reached the fest venue, and the auditorium filled with people and they burst out like rain clattering on an empty shed. She excused herself and left to meet her friends. I sat there watching the performances and some random speeches, which I am uninterested in. It was fun but felt irrelevant. I waited desperately for her to return. She came back and brought her friends along, she introduced me to everyone, and she is a charm in making people comfortable around her. She boosted me to her friends, which is overwhelming. I mean, who wouldn’t. We moved to the food section and started to have a random conversation with her friends, honestly, though I felt secluded, topics of interest, you know. “Hey you have put on some weight, and this look didn’t match you much”, one of her friends commented on her. How dare he talk to my girl like that? I would have strai...