YouTube algorithm really got me, no this isn’t about the microphone driven suggestion thing, will talk about it sometime later. So here is what happened: I was surfing through the home page and found the title "curb your feminism" a one-minute video. I enjoyed watching it, thrashing people with intellectuality has always been my cup of tea or at least I enjoyed that weird feeling. Once, I am done watching it, my suggestion list followed by tens of videos captioned with “curb your attitude,” “curb your belief.” Typical machine learning thing, I’m totally fine with it. I went through each one of them till my screen time ended for the day, I am a person who sets a screen time for a day, so yeah, another weird thing to do in the age of screens. I laughed a lot and switched to twitter and found #worldlaughterday in the trending tab. Wait what? So, I laughed today because I was supposed to laugh on a laughter day. Now this is really a serious business, eliciting a feeling by expe...